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Corrupt conduct

If the OIA reasonably suspects a complaint, on assessment or after investigation, may involve corrupt conduct, the Independent Assessor must notify the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC).

The CCC may subsequently refer matters back to the OIA to investigate but it retains oversight.

The OIA has entered into an arrangement with the CCC under section 40 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 which allows the OIA to immediately commence investigations into some corrupt conduct matters but report the matters to the CCC each month for its oversight.


  • The OIA does not control the time the CCC may take to consider a complaint. This can impact the length of time that a matter, if referred back, is investigated by the OIA.
  • If a complaint is accepted by the CCC, it will be subject to CCC timeframes.


  • The complainant will be advised by the OIA if the complaint is referred to the CCC.
  • The councillor will not be advised if the complaint is referred to the CCC, consistent with protocol for suspected corrupt conduct.
  • If a matter is accepted by the CCC, it will be subject to CCC communication.

Last updated: 28 Jun 2024